Amazing Uses of clove you might not know

clove wodagri

Clove is a medicinal herb that is used for a variety of purposes such as seasoning or healing. The following article will provide information about the uses of clove that you may not know.

  1. What is clove?

Cloves are plants with oval, pointed leaves that grow opposite each other. Flowers are thick with 4 petals, bright red when ripe. People often plant and harvest flower buds because they contain many yellow-brown essential oils. Dried cloves are used as a spice in food processing for many different cuisines thanks to their strong aroma. In addition, medicinal cloves are also used as medicine thanks to their spicy taste, mildness, entering the meridians, spleen, stomach and kidneys to help warm the abdomen, warm the kidneys and stimulate the digestive system.

clove wodagri

  1. What are health benefits of cloves?

2.1. Support oral health

When the body is uncomfortable because of toothache, you can dilute and apply clove essential oil to the place to be treated, the pain will be significantly reduced. In addition, some herbal toothpastes also contain clove essential oil to limit tooth decay and eliminate harmful bacteria.

On the other hand, clove essential oil has a characteristic aroma that is also effective in eliminating bad breath. You just need to add a few drops of cloves to water and gargle daily to use.

2.2. Reduces pain and inflammation

Clove has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its inhibitory effect on the production of mediators such as Prostaglandin synthesis, Cyclooxygenase and Lipoxygenase.

2.3. Support sexual health

Cloves also work to help improve sexual health by increasing libido and are also effective in treating infertility, especially in men. You can use cloves as a spice in food or drink as a tea.

2.4. Improve musculoskeletal health

Clove supports the production of cells that help:

  • Increase bone density;
  • Increase minerals that help strengthen bones;
  • Limit osteoporosis in women and the elderly.

2.5. Increase resistance

Medicinal cloves help strengthen the immune system to fight many infections by increasing the white blood cell count.

uses of clove wodagri

2.6. Relax

People who are often stressed due to study or work can use cloves as a natural remedy to eliminate stress very effectively. The aroma of clove essential oil has a stimulating effect on the mind to eliminate stress, help the body relax and improve sleep.

2.7. Enhance the functioning of the digestive system

Clove works to promote the production of enzymes to enhance digestive function, and at the same time relieve uncomfortable symptoms caused by gastritis. When suffering from stomach pains, you can use a mixture of clove powder mixed with honey to help the body feel more comfortable. In particular, this medicinal herb has benign effects, including pregnant and lactating women, but it is necessary to consult a doctor before using.

2.8. Reduce cough

Clove has strong antibacterial properties, thus helping to clear phlegm and eliminate bacteria in the throat. To relieve a cough, mix clove powder with a few grains of salt and suck on it.

2.9. Prevent infection in the wound

Due to its antiseptic properties, clove essential oil can be used to treat open wounds, fungus, scabies, insect bites and acne.

2.10. Support diabetes treatment

Diabetic patients can use medicinal cloves as a product to support blood sugar control in the body, due to their similar nature to insulin. On the other hand, cloves can transfer excess sugar in the blood to the cells to help stabilize blood sugar.

Hopefully the article has helped you better understand the amazing uses of cloves to use it more effectively.