Black pepper and white pepper – Which is better?

black pepper and white pepper wodagri

Black pepper and white pepper are both native to South Asia, but these two types of pepper have very different characteristics in terms of harvesting, processing, medicinal properties, aroma… The question that buyers often ask is: Which is better black or white pepper? When to use black, when to use white? Today’s article, Wodagri will help you answer these questions!

black pepper and white pepper wodagri

Comparison of black and white pepper

Harvesting and processing methods:

Black pepper is harvested when the pepper is nearly ripe, the fruit is still green or has a yellow spot in the fruit cluster, inside has appeared a hard kernel. Next, the pepper is dried under the sun, the seeds are firmed, turning black. White pepper is obtained by harvesting red ripe pepper, then soaking in water to soften the skin and seed flesh and then rubbing to remove the skin and get the kernel inside. Next, people will also bring them to dry under the sun so that the pepper will gradually turn ivory white or yellow-gray.

Pharmaceutical properties:

Black pepper is often used as a medicine to treat diseases such as cough, sore throat or cold. In addition, black is also a medicine to help prevent breast cancer, support weight loss and fight colds, treat some stomach problems such as indigestion, flatulence, constipation. Not only that, black pepper also has a healing effect. White pepper is often used to enhance the flavor of dishes.


White pepper is more pungent and stronger spicy than black pepper. When eating black, the spicy taste will gradually absorb, after a while, you will feel the pungent taste, but when you eat white pepper, you will immediately feel the spicy taste even if you just sip a little bit of the tip of your tongue.


If using the nose to smell normally, black pepper has a more specific aroma than white pepper. The reason is that due to the process of harvesting and processing, white pepper loses its outer shell, so the amount of essential oil is significantly reduced. However, when cooking, white pepper has a stronger aroma than black pepper because it has been fermented for a while. Therefore, when preparing dishes, chefs often use white pepper more.

Storage time:

Black pepper lasts longer than white pepper. You can store black at room temperature for up to several months and still be delicious, but white pepper will become bitter for a long time. The reason is that black pepper is exposed to the sun for a long time while white pepper is soaked in water and then dried, the processing of white pepper is more complicated, so the storage time is shortened compared to black pepper.


White pepper is often used when preparing light-colored dishes such as soup, mashed potatoes, cream sauce, etc., while black pepper is used for dishes with darker colors. In countries like China, France, and Italy, people love to use white pepper to decorate and prepare dishes.

In terms of aesthetic value, if you process dishes with bright colors such as soups, soups, and cream sauces, white pepper should be used to create a sense of harmony, in addition, the characteristic pungent taste of white pepper will stimulate the taste buds of the eater.

In terms of health benefits and shelf life, black pepper has an advantage because of its great health and beauty benefits as well as a longer shelf life. Gourmets rate black higher than white pepper in terms of both quality and taste. In addition, currently on the market, there are many types of white pepper soaked in chemicals to have beautiful colors. So you need to consider and choose carefully before buying.

Whether it is black pepper or white pepper, pepper is still a familiar spice in home meals, bringing great health and beauty benefits to family members. Depending on your preferences and purposes of use, you choose the right type of pepper!