Dry nuts you should include in your winter diet

dry nuts

Dry nuts are the fastest and tastiest way to fill your empty stomach in a short time. In fact, they are the best alternative to junk food to satisfy your cravings. They can help relieve the discomfort caused by cold and cough. Know which dried nuts you should definitely add to your winter diet.

Winters are just around the corner and eating dry nuts becomes the healthiest way to keep your body warm. These dried nuts not only provide you with strength but also helps in maintaining your balanced diet. It also keeps your skin and hair healthy.  These dried nuts act as the healthiest diet food items that add value to your meal.  

The nutrients present in dry nuts are essential for a healthy immune system. Studies show that polyphenol-rich dried fruits can help in improving immunity by showing anti-inflammatory effects.

But dry nuts are also high in sugar and calories. It is advised that diabetic patients should not consume them as they result in weight gain and gastric issues. This can lead to increase in the blood sugar level.

dry nuts


Research has shown that walnuts can help in treating many diseases, including cancer, obesity, diabetes, weight maintenance, cognitive, and reproductive health, and many other lifestyle issues. It also acts as a powerhouse of nutrients. Walnuts help in reducing cholesterol levels, sleep, and are appropriate for skin and hair. 


If you are facing problems such as dry and brittle hair in the winter, eat black raisins daily. It also has large amounts of vitamin C that nourishes the scalp.

Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts contain high amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats are necessary to keep the body warm during the winter months. They are also rich in minerals and antioxidants.


Eating almonds in winter weather can provide strength in immunity. The glycemic load of almonds can also provide you with a strong digestive system.


Pistachios have warming qualities due to its antioxidant properties. It helps in boosting immunity, managing weight and solving digestion problem.

Therefore, dry nuts are good sources of proteins, vitamins, and minerals as they promote good health. So include them in your diet now.