Is durian good for pregnant women?

durian for pregnancy

Durian is a favorite fruit of many people, including women who are pregnant. So is durian good for pregnants and what should be noted when eating durian for pregnant women is the question of many people. Let’s find out with Wodagri!

Can pregnant women eat durian?

According to the old concept, pregnant women should not eat durian for fear of giving birth to a baby with an odor or rough skin like durian skin. However, that is unscientific and durian brings quite a lot of nutrients for pregnant women.

  • Durian is rich in folic acid, which helps prevent neural tube defects in the fetus. Accordingly, in 100g of durian rice will meet 9% of the body’s folic acid needs for a day.
  • Durian is a fruit rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, a vitamin that helps strengthen the body’s resistance and helps the absorption of iron and calcium.
  • Durian contains a lot of fiber, which helps the body improve constipation most of the time during pregnancy.
  • Durian contains a lot of potassium, which helps prevent calcium loss through urine, making bones stronger.
  • Provides important B vitamins such as Vitamins B1, B2 and B3. Helps support brain activity, reduce stress, fatigue, migraine, stress.
  • Durian contains olate, which helps the body avoid anemia symptoms during pregnancy. In addition, the amount of phosphorus in durian also helps to strengthen teeth and gums.
  • Durian pulp contains substances such as Zinc, organo-sulfur, and tryptophan that help in anti-oxidant, protect mother and fetus from pollutants and free radicals.
  • In particular, durian pulp does not contain cholesterol and harmful fats.
  • In addition, durian contains thianin – a vitamin that helps pregnant women feel more appetizing, making the stomach work extremely effectively.

durian for pregnancy

In which cases should not eat durian:

In durian meat contains many nutrients and contains a lot of sugar, so the following cases should not eat durian: Pregnant women with gestational diabetes, a history of gestational diabetes, pregnant women with family history of diabetes, obese pregnants.

In particular, pregnant women in the last 3 months of pregnancy should not eat durian because at this time, the digestive system is poor, leading to many phenomena that are not good for the digestive system.

How to eat durian to avoid harm?

Pregnant women should absolutely not eat durian when enjoying with drinks such as wine, beer, rice wine, soft drinks because it can cause digestive disorders, fatigue for the body.

In addition, when eating durian should not be combined with spices such as garlic, ginger, chili, pepper… will increase the heat of durian. It is best to eat with cool fruit.

Durian can be enjoyed in a variety of ways such as eating directly, making smoothies, making cakes, and desserts.

How much durian is good to eat during pregnancy?

In the pulp of durian fruit contains high amount of nutrients, sugar and carbohydrates. Therefore, when eating too much durian will increase the amount of glucose in the blood, causing the baby to gain weight. In particular, in the last 3 months of pregnancy, the baby’s weight will increase, making labor difficult. Moreover, with the hot feature, durian is easy to make pregnant women uncomfortable, full of stomach, increased blood pressure.

According to some advice, pregnant women should eat about 150g of durian per day. When you first enter your pregnancy within the first 3 months, you can eat but you should not eat until the last 3 months.