Why are pregnant women advised to eat more macadamia nuts?

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During pregnancy, pregnant women are often advised by many health experts to eat macadamia to supplement nutrition for the fetus.

Macadamia nuts are one of the most popular nuts that are loved by many people. According to health experts, eating macadamia nut regularly will bring many health benefits, especially to pregnant women with some important benefits for the fetus.

Improve the immune system

Eating macadamia nuts regularly will help pregnant women improve their immune system during pregnancy. According to a study by the US Department of Agriculture USDA, on average, each 100g of macadamia will contain over 25 vitamins and minerals of all kinds.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that it provides up to 7.91 grams of protein, 85 mg of calcium … to help pregnant women’s bodies become healthy, cells work well. As a result, the immune system is also improved and helps the mother and fetus avoid many infectious diseases and bacteria.

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Strong bones and teeth

Due to the large amount of calcium, macadamia nuts also have the added benefit of making the bones and teeth of pregnant women stronger. In addition, macadamia nut also contains manganese and phosphorus – minerals that work to stimulate calcium absorption into the body.

This is considered quite important because during pregnancy, both pregnant women and fetuses need to be provided with enough calcium to avoid cases such as fetal muscle atrophy or fractures in pregnant women.


According to health experts, it is estimated that each 100g of macadamia nuts contains 8.6g of total fiber. Therefore, regular consumption of macadamia will help pregnant women prevent pregnancy constipation as well as intestinal-related problems such as intestinal inflammation, ulcerative colitis, …

Prevent cancer

Research results of experts at the Health website show that eating macadamia nuts regularly also helps pregnant women increase the amount of antioxidant nutrients that help destroy free radicals – one of the causes of cancers.

In addition, eating macadamia nuts regularly also helps the fetus to improve the immune system right from the womb, helping the baby after birth to have a good health and resistance foundation.