Notes when eating cellophane noodle to keep body in shape

stir fried cellophane noodle

In previous article, Wodagri shared how many calories there are in cellophane noodle, many people will choose this food to lose weight. Accordingly, some notes when eating glass noodle below will help keep fit and achieve the best effect.

Choose arrowroot cellophane noodle or green bean cellophane noodle

The ingredients for making glass noodle are very diverse, you should prioritize choosing green bean glass noodle or arrowroot glass noodle to help you lose weight better. In particular, cellophane noodle is made from pure and natural arrowroot tubers without much starch, but in return has a lot of fiber. With green bean noodle, which is completely processed from green beans, it is very effective to remove excess fat and help slimmer figure.

arrowroot glass noodle

Cook glass noodle with a variety of vegetables

No matter how you cook it, such as: mixed glass noodle, fried cellophane noodle or glass noodle soup, you should combine it with a variety of vegetables. These are high-fiber ingredients that can improve the digestive system, beautify the skin and not worry about fat.

Green vegetables also contain most of the cellulose, which stimulates the stomach and intestines to contract, enhances the secretion of digestive juices, bile, and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Therefore, when combining glass noodle with green vegetables, it effectively detoxifies, cleans blood, and safely and quickly loses weight.

stir fried cellophane noodle

Choose the right time to eat cellophane noodle

You can eat glass noodle in the morning, lunch or dinner, but you should not eat it after 9pm. When losing weight, you can have glass noodle at lunch or dinner without having to eat a fixed meal during the day. Or every week you can eat 1 meal of glass noodle and change the menu to be more varied to avoid boredom.

Combine exercise and sports

To promote weight loss, you can combine it with advanced exercises. Accordingly, one of the professional Cardio methods is speed cycling with exercise bikes to burn fat, improve heart rate, and increase blood circulation throughout the body.