Pepper price today 2-Dec-22

pepper price today wodagri

Vietnam – Pepper price today 2/12 is in the range of 60,000 – 63,000 VND/kg. The country’s pepper exports in 2022 can reach 220,000-225,000 tons. In comparison, this is the lowest export level since the past 3 years because 2020 reached 285,000 tons and in 2021 reached 265,000 tons, in a decreasing direction.

Yesterday, the International Pepper Community (IPC) listed the price of Lampung black pepper (Indonesia) up 0.79% to close at $3,806/ton; price of Brazilian black pepper ASTA 570 remained unchanged at 2,625 USD/ton; Kuching black pepper price (Malaysia) ASTA maintained at 5,100 USD/ton. Price of Muntok white pepper increased to 5,995 USD/ton after adding 0.8%; price of Malaysia ASTA white pepper is still at 7,300 USD/ton. In Vietnam, the price of black pepper traded at 3,150 – 3,250 USD/ton for 500 g/l and 550g/l, up by 50 USD/ton; price of white pepper at 4,600 USD/ton.

pepper price today wodagri

According to expert Nguyen Quang Binh, it is estimated that in 2022, the country’s pepper exports can reach 220,000-225,000 tons. In comparison, this is the lowest export level since the past 3 years because 2020 will reach 285,000 tons and in 2021 it will be 265,000 tons, in a decreasing direction. From 2020 onwards, the pepper market has experienced many ups and downs, from 34 million VND/ton in March 2020 to 90 million VND/ton at the beginning of last year and is now quite stable around 55-60 million VND.

Looking at the export figures, it is enough to see that Vietnam’s pepper output is decreasing slowly because the domestic price of pepper is no longer attractive. Assuming the price is from 90-100 million VND/ton, it is expected that the area of pepper will increase due to the more attractive price level compared to other agricultural products. But when the pepper price returns to the current level, the planting area not only does not increase but also decreases because gardeners seek to optimize their family’s income by breaking pepper or intercropping durian and passion fruit… both selling well and having a good price.

But if so, it also has to accept a consequence that Vietnam’s pepper market share in the world will gradually decrease compared to the current 55% as estimated by the Vietnam Pepper Association recently.