Potential for exporting agricultural products to Australia

agricultural products export

In recent years, the total two-way trade turnover between Vietnam and Australia has grown strongly and our country’s enterprises have exported many kinds of agricultural products to Australia. The Australian market is assessed by businesses as having a lot of potential to promote the export of agricultural products, especially seafood, fruits and rice. However, enterprises still face many difficulties when they want to promote the export of agricultural products to this demanding market.

Australia is one of the most demanding markets in the world with many requirements for high product quality standards and strict import processes. However, consumers in this country have a high standard of living and are willing to pay for high-priced fruit and food items if they feel satisfied with the product. Over the past time, Vietnamese enterprises have exported a variety of agricultural, aquatic and fruit products to Australia (such as rice, cashew nuts, shrimp, fish, mango, coconut, longan, litchi, durian, dragon fruit, etc.) …) and was positively received by this market.

agricultural products export

Ms. Ngo Tuong Vy, General Director of Chanh Thu Fruit Import and Export Co., Ltd., said: “The company has exported 4 types of fresh fruits to the Australian market including mango, longan, litchi, dragon fruit and exported other frozen fruits such as durian, longan and jackfruit. Coming time, the company has plan to export pomelos…”. According to Ms. Vy, the above products are very well received by the Australian market. However, because it mainly serves Vietnamese and Asian consumers in Australia, export output is still limited. The company is working to increase access to supermarkets and Indigenous Australian consumers. According to Ms. Lieu Kim Thuy, Head of Sales for Australia and New Zealand markets of Minh Phu Seafood Group, Minh Phu’s shrimp export sales to the Australian market are growing very well. If in 2021, the sales reach 50 million USD, the first 7 months of this year will be equal to 2021. However, exporting shrimp to the Australian market is still difficult, especially the customs clearance time is still slow, causing transportation and warehouse costs increased and accounted for 10% of the value of the shipment”.

According to Mr. Le Thanh Tung, Deputy Director of the Crop Production Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Chief of the Office for Coordination of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Mekong Delta region, our country has great potential to boost exports to Australia. Fruits such as grapefruit, passion fruit, dragon fruit and many other agricultural products have strengths because there is no overlap between Vietnam and Australia in agricultural products like neighboring countries.

In order to promptly grasp and have solutions to remove difficulties for businesses exporting to the Australian market, the Agriculture and Rural Development Coordination Office in the Mekong Delta has just coordinated with the Australian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City to organize a meeting. exchange with enterprises importing and exporting agricultural products between Vietnam and Australia.

According to Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Tran Thanh Nam, currently Vietnam’s agricultural products have been exported to 180 countries and territories around the world, including Australia. It is very necessary to create favorable conditions for agricultural export enterprises of the Mekong Delta to interact with the Australian Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City and relevant units. Thereby, in order to strengthen information work, promote products, create trust and mutual understanding to promote cooperation and develop trade.