Salted cashews health benefits for the elderly

salted cashews good for elderly

Cashew nuts are known to be one of the nutritious nuts with high value, bringing a lot of benefits to human health.

Cashew nuts contain nutrients commonly found in everyday foods such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and a range of minerals and other vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. ,…

In addition, cashews also contain a good amount of fatty acids that very few foods have, such as Omega-3, Omega-6.

Salted cashews is a favorite snack of many people, it is not only delicious but also good for the heart, nervous system, helps to brighten eyes, beautiful skin, helps bones and teeth strong.

salted cashews good for elderly

Should elderly people eat salted roasted cashews?

Many studies have shown that cashew nuts contain many nutrients that are very good for the elderly.

Cashew nuts contain vitamins and minerals that help prevent heart disease. The huge amount of calcium in cashew nuts helps the bones of the elderly to be stronger. Substances in cashews have the effect of preventing cancer cells. There are also antioxidants in cashews that protect us from heart disease and cancer.

In addition to preventing the above diseases in the elderly, the use of cashew nuts also helps to prevent many other diseases and slow down the aging process of the body.

The effect of salted cashews for the elderly

  • Cashews help prevent heart-related diseases: Cashews contain monounsaturated fats that improve heart health and improve cholesterol levels. Good minerals also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack, myocardial infarction, stroke …
  • Cashew nuts promote eye health: High zeaxanthin and contains strong antioxidants found in cashews help the retina to absorb directly, creating a protective film and against UV rays, protecting the eyes, reducing the risk of clouding vitreous, and helps to brighten eyes in old age.
  • Cashews help strengthen bones: The magnesium content in cashews is an important factor for the development of bones and organs in the body. Magnesium and calcium also help improve bone and joint flexibility.
  • Cashews prevent cancer: Proanthocyanidins in cashews work to isolate tumors and prevent cancer cells from dividing. There are also phytochemicals and antioxidants in cashews that protect us from heart disease and cancer. In addition, this substance also helps prevent aging.

salted cashews wodagri

Note when older people eat salted cashews

Elderly people eating salted cashews in moderation will help improve health, bright eyes, strong bones..

It should be noted that when feeding the elderly with salted cashews in a moderate amount every day, they should only be used as a side meal or served as a side dish, processed with the main meal, should not be used as a direct substitute for the meal. Although cashews contain a lot of nutrients, if used too much, it will affect the body such as obesity, edema..