Should Dried Fruit Be Eaten Every Day?

dried fruit wodagri

Fruit is a nutritious food that many people love to supplement fiber. However, fresh fruit does not last long. Therefore, dried fruit has become the choice of many families. However, people are still worried if dried fruits should be eaten every day or not? Let’s find the answer with Wodagri right below!

  1. What Is Dried Fruit? Their Nutritional Content

Dried fruit is a type of fruit that has completely removed its water through drying or sun drying. Because the amount of water in the fruit has been removed, in the flesh, a large amount of nutrients will be condensed. Retain essential nutrients, vitamins and other minerals. The drying of fruits helps them to be preserved longer as well as convenient to carry around.

dried fruit wodagri

In dried fruits, the amount of nutrients is still retained as fresh fruit. Even contains more than 3.5 times the amount of fiber, vitamins and minerals than fresh fruit. Because they are condensed into a smaller volume. In addition, dried fruits also contain large amounts of polyphenol antioxidants. This substance helps improve the health of the digestive system, blood sugar circulation. Not only that, but it also brings many other great benefits to the body.

  1. Should You Eat Dried Fruit Every Day?

As everyone knows, dried or soft dried fruits contains extremely high nutritional content. Eating them every day in the right amount will help improve health. However, you should avoid eating too much because it is easy to cause diarrhea, flatulence, etc. But in general, the benefits of eating dried fruits every day help the body absorb nutrients from them. Not only that, eating these types of foods also has unexpected uses for the body. So what are these uses, follow along below!

Anti-Constipation, Improve Digestion System

The amount of fiber in dried fruit is 2-3 times higher than that of fresh fruit. Therefore, when eating dried fruits regularly, it will help the body fight against diseases such as constipation, etc. Fiber will help eliminate waste from the body more easily.

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In addition, fiber, whether soluble or insoluble, helps keep the intestines and stomach healthy. Fiber will act like good bacteria, flying away harmful agents in the stomach and intestines. It also helps maintain digestive enzymes and beneficial bacteria!

Beautifying Skin, Anti-Aging

Everyone knows that fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are good for health. Although dried fruits have been dried at high temperature, they still retain these nutrients. In it contains many vitamins A, E, B6, … plays a great role in the beauty process of the sister association. Vitamin E and its active ingredients are always known as the “panacea” to help rejuvenate the skin, lighten and fade dark spots, etc. Vitamin A helps brighten eyes, tighten skin and many other benefits.

Not only have the effect of beautifying the skin or anti-aging, these vitamins also help strengthen hair. Just eat a small amount of dried fruits every day, you will see a significant improvement in skin and hair.

Lose Weight, Keep Body In Shape

People often worry that eating dried fruits every day will increase body weight? The answer is absolutely no! In dried fruit contains lot of fat and sugar, but it is not harmful to the body. The sugar in the fruit is completely natural with a gentle sweetness, not as harsh as chemical sugar. Because it contains lot of fat and sugar, when you eat it, you will feel full quickly. From there, the amount of food will be controlled. Your stomach won’t have room to fill up.

Cancer Prevention

Can dried fruits prevent cancer? Something that seemed impossible by these small fruits. However, in dried fruits contain phytonutrients. This type of substance acts as an antioxidant. Cancer cells form in the body by free radicals. However, when you eat dried fruit containing Phytonutrients, it will prevent the growth of these cancer cells. Other free minerals and antioxidants found in dried fruits also prevent the formation of tumors.

Provide Energy for the Body

Because the nutrients and sugar in dried fruits are concentrated, it will provide energy for the body. Especially when you have to exercise vigorously or work too hard. At that time, just eating a little bit of dried fruits can “save” and recharge the body immediately.


Beta carotene is found in abundance in fruits. This is a type of antioxidant, which plays a role in reducing stress in humans. When you feel unhappy, eating some dried fruits will reduce anxiety. The sweet, slightly sour taste of dried fruits will make you more comfortable. In addition, they also help improve memory and sleep deeper.

Wodagri is a reputable and quality supplier of dried fruit in Vietnam. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are in need of buying dried fruit products from Vietnam.