The remarkable health benefits of cashews

cashew nuts

Eating cashews in moderation can bring many health benefits, such as good for the heart, keeping blood vessels healthy, weight loss,…

Contrary to popular belief, cashews can make you fat. However, consuming a moderate amount in your diet can give you many health benefits.

Heart health

The presence of magnesium in cashews helps to reduce blood pressure in the arteries, reducing the risk of hypertension or high blood pressure.

cashew nuts

On the other hand, many studies show that cashews help reduce LDL or “bad” cholesterol and increase HDL or “good” cholesterol. This reduces the risk of having a stroke or other cardiovascular diseases.

Keep your blood healthy

Eating cashews regularly and in moderation can help avoid blood diseases.

This is because it contains two important nutrients, iron and copper. These two minerals help to eliminate blood diseases, especially anemia.

Copper and iron help boost the production of red blood cells, keeping your blood and your entire body healthy.

Protect eyes

Cashews contain zea xanthin, a pigment that is directly absorbed by our retinas. It then forms a protective layer on our retina, blocking harmful UV rays.

Weight loss

Cashews contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids that help promote metabolism to burn excess fat.

On the other hand, cashews contain fiber and protein that keep you fuller for longer. This means that eating cashews will make you eat less, making your weight loss journey easier