Vietnamese Pho in the top 20 best soups in the world

Vietnamese pho wodagri

Recently, Vietnamese Pho was ranked 2nd by CNN Travel in the list of 20 best soups in the world.

According to CNN Travel, pho broth, one of Vietnam’s signature dishes, is made by simmering beef bones such as lumps, bones, and ribs for hours with cinnamon, star anise and other hot spices, creating a special flavor for this dish. In addition, when seasoned with accompanying spices such as lime, herbs, green onion, sour vinegar, chili, and pepper, the flavor of Vietnamese Pho is more delicate and bolder.

Vietnamese pho has so far developed into many different versions such as beef pho, chicken pho, pork pho, shrimp pho, …, but beef pho is still the most popular version in Vietnam and around the world with many ways of processing such as undercooked beef Pho, well-cooked beef Pho, breast beef Pho and tendon beef Pho.

Vietnamese pho wodagri

Vietnamese Pho originated in North Vietnam during the French colonial period, when people tried to combine broth cooked with beef bones with local noodle. In the 1940s, pho was very famous in Hanoi, a dish that can be eaten at any time you want from morning, noon, afternoon to evening. When pho enters the South, it becomes more colorful and multi-flavored.

Just smelling the aroma of pho broth is enough to make us feel ecstatic, the flavors of meat, bones, herbs blend together to create a special aroma that goes into people’s hearts. Therefore, when you feel tired in your body, a bowl of pho can help you immediately feel full of energy.

In the list of 20 soups, in addition to Vietnamese pho, there are also a number of other Asian specialties introduced by CNN Travel such as China’s Lanzhou beef noodles, Myanmar’s Mohinga, Indonesia’s Soto ayam, and Tom yum of Thailand, Tonkotsu Ramen from Japan, and Yayla çorbasi from Turkey.