Vegan Cashew Nut Milk – How to make at home

Nuts - Cashew nut milk Wodagri

Cashew nut milk is incredibly cream, rich and neutral tasting, plus it doesn’t need to be strained through a nut bag, like almond milk.

Cashew nut is a nut belonging to the Anacardium occidentale family, originating from Brazil and grown in the southern provinces of Vietnam. In addition to the delicious taste, cashew nuts also have high nutritional value, in cashew nuts contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants such as vitamins E, K, B6 and minerals copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, etc. Iron and selenium help maintain good body functions.

Nuts - Cashew nut Wodagri

With the above nutritional ingredients, eating cashews will bring a lot of health benefits such as: Preventing heart disease, Good for eyes, Strengthening muscle and nervous system health, Preventing cancer, Improve oral health, Strengthen the immune system,…

How to make Cashew Nut Milk?


  • Blender
  • Napkin or a nut milk bag
  • Glass jar to store


  • Raw cashews
  • Fresh water

How to do:

  • Raw cashews (unsalted and not roasted): Soak 1 cup of cashews at least 2 hours to soften or overnight (12 hours) in cool water, then drain and rinse. The soaking process softens the cashews enough to blend smoothly in pretty much any blender, although in a high speed blender it’ll like a cream.
  • 3 cups purified water for blending. Blend about 2 minutes, until smooth.
  • Strain the milk using a cheesecloth, a fine mesh strainer, a napkin or a nut milk bag
  • Enjoy your cashew nut milk hot or cold.

Nuts - Cashew nut milk Wodagri

Pour into a storage container and refrigerate.

** Drink the milk straight up or use it in a recipe as you would any dairy milk.

** You can also incorporate some other ingredients like vanilla extract or sweetener (dates, sugar, maple syrup…) for dairy-milk full of flavor.

How long does cashew nut milk last?

Homemade cashew nut milk lasts 3-4 days in the refrigerate. Thought we think it’s best consumed within the first 2-3 days.

Did you try it? How do you like it? Let us know in comment section below!