How many calories in dried jackfruit?

dried jackfruit wodagri

Jackfruit is a delicious fruit, after being dried, it has a special flavor, crispy and attractive. However, many people wonder how many calories in dried jackfruit and whether eating it will gain weight or not? Join Wodagri to find out through the following sharing.

Does dried jackfruit contain high calories?

Dried jackfruit is processed from fresh jackfruit after steam drying, increasing the crispness and sweetness. Normally, dried fruits will have 3 – 5 times more calories than fresh fruit, so although the volume is the same, the calories are different.

If 100g of fresh jackfruit contains 95 calories, after being processed into dried, the calories increase up to 3 times, it means 100g of dried one contains up to 282 Kcal.

dried jackfruit wodagri

Does eating dried jackfruit gain weight?

Starch and sugar dominate in the total nutritional composition. Although dried jackfruit does not contain much fat, if you consume a large amount of powdered sugar, and do not convert all the energy, it will accumulate and make you gain weight.

To make it more clear, let’s try to do a calculation. An adult needs about 2000 Kcal / day to maintain activity, divided into 3 meals, a meal is loaded with 667 Kcal. And dried jackfruit contains 282 calories in 100g, so just eating 300g is enough.

Although eating jackfruit has many health benefits, but if you eat too much, it can have bad effects on our body such as causing weight gain, body heat, acne,… Therefore, you should also combine other fruits and foods to ensure the body is full of balanced and healthy development.

Above is some information to answer questions about calories in dried jackfruits as well as how to eat this dried fruit in a scientific way. Hope through the above article, you will understand this delicious snack and what to note when consuming.