How to make dried persimmon at home

dried persimmon wodagri

Dried persimmon is a delicious and healthy snack. So, let’s take a look at the process of making dried persimmon at home. With a little ingenuity and a little time, you will have a great snack.

Prepare the ingredients to make the dried persimmon

To make a quality batch of dried persimmons, it is necessary to prepare fresh persimmons to ensure:

Choose persimmons that are just ripe to eat so they won’t be acrid and easier to peel

Choose persimmons with smooth, shiny skins. Should choose the fruit that is not crushed, blackened, cracked and not bitten by insects.

Because persimmons will be dried, you don’t need to care if there are stalks or not, just make sure the persimmons are fresh.

persimmon wodagri

Steps to make dried persimmon at home

STEP 1: Clean persimmons

After choosing the fresh and delicious persimmons, proceed to wash the persimmons with water and then peel the persimmons.

This step you need to do very carefully, not leaving any pink skin. When eating, if the persimmon peel is attached, it will have a acrid taste.

The tip is to peel the fruit vertically from top to bottom. Doing so the peeled persimmon will have beautiful veins.

making dried persimmon wodagri

STEP 2: Immerse persimmons in salt water

Persimmon after peeling, you proceed to soak through diluted salt water mixed with lemon juice. Do so to reduce the blackness of persimmons after peeling.

This step should be carried out in parallel with the peeling step. After peeling the fruit, put it in salt water immediately, soak it for 2 minutes, then take it out and let it dry.

STEP 3: Shape persimmons for drying 

Proceed to shape the product after being soaked in salt water and drained. Depending on personal preferences, you want to eat soft or dried persimmon, the shape is different.

You can leave the persimmons whole in the oven or split in half or triple depending on your preference. If the split is smaller, the finished product will be drier, reducing the plasticity.

STEP 4: Put persimmons into microwave to dry

After shaping, continue to dry persimmons by microwave.

Persimmons are stacked on a baking tray, preferably not on top of each other.

making dried persimmon wodagri

Adjust the oven temperature from 60 to 70 * C. At this temperature, persimmons will be slowly dried. From there, it helps to preserve the nutritional value of persimmons and the fruit is not baked or too dry.

The drying time takes about 10 hours. You should regularly check the product during the drying process. After 2-3 hours, you remove the persimmons to massage by gently squeezing around the persimmon and turning to dry again.

If you turn and massage the persimmons regularly, the persimmon pieces will be more supple and dry more evenly.

STEP 5: Hydrate the finished products

After about 10 hours, it’s time to harvest your fruits with this irresistible delicious persimmon.

A standard dried persimmon will be soft on the inside and not too tough on the outside. When you take a bite, the persimmon will melt in your mouth and have a light fragrance.

You should let them cool completely after removing them from the oven, then use them or transfer them to a box for storage.

dried persimmon wodagri

How to preserve finished products after drying?

To ensure that the dried persimmons retain their original flavor, you can put them in a zipper bag or a box with a glass lid to store in the refrigerator or freezer. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 months, and in the freezer for 6-8 months.