How to make honey roasted cashews for the whole family

honey roasted cashews wodagri

Cashew nuts are rich in nutrients, bringing many health benefits. Here is a recipe for delicious honey roasted cashews for the whole family.

Benefits of cashews:

Weight loss: Cashews help maintain an ideal weight, because they create a feeling of fullness for a long time, contributing to the production of heat in the body. Moreover, cashews also have the effect of increasing metabolism, preventing fat deposition.

Promotes heart health: Cashews contain a lot of unsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats help lower bad cholesterol levels, increase good cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, heart attack, and coronary heart disease. These nuts are also a good source of magnesium, which relaxes the heart muscle, reducing the risk of high blood pressure.

Improves Bone Health: Magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and vitamin K present in cashews are essential for the healthy development of bones and teeth. Magnesium plays an important role in bone formation because it aids in the assimilation of calcium in the bones. As a result, cashews have the ability to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

honey roasted cashews wodagri

Ingredients to make honey roasted cashews:

– 200g salted roasted cashews

– 2 tablespoons raw honey

– 1 vanilla tube

– 2 tablespoons unsalted butter

– 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder

– 50g sugar

– A little salt

Making honey roasted cashews:

– Preheat oven to 350°F.

– Melt the honey and butter by heating on low or medium heat, beat until the mixture is uniform, then add the cinnamon and vanilla and mix well.

– Pour the mixture of honey and butter into the cashews. Stir well so that the mixture coats all sides of the cashews. Then spread the cashews on a baking tray lined with baking paper or greaseproof paper.

Place the tray in the preheated oven and bake for 6 minutes.

– Remove the tray from the oven, use a spoon to mix well so that the seeds do not stick together. Bake for another 6 minutes and then repeat.

– Pour cashews into a large bowl, add sugar and a little salt and mix well. Make sure the sugar is evenly coated around the cashews.

– Finally, take out the cashews, let them cool and enjoy. The rest can be stored in glass jars.