Making carrot-macadamia milk that good for pregnants and kids

carrot maccadamia milk wodagri

Carrots are rich in nutrients, protid, lipid, glucid and fiber combined with macadamia nuts rich in minerals and vitamins, which combine to create a delicious and nutritious dish. Let’s practice with Wodagri how to make simple carrot macca milk at home simply!


  • 1 carrot about 250g
  • Palm sugar: 40g
  • Macadamia nuts: 10 seeds
  • About 1 liter of water

How to make carrot macadamia milk

Cooked carrots, puree with 10 macadamia nuts and 1 liter of water. Pour into the pot and simmer for about 5-10 minutes, add palm sugar and enjoy.

Finished product: Milk has a smooth, greasy yellow color of macadamia nuts, a light sweet taste that is easy to drink.

carrot maccadamia milk wodagri

Benefits of carrot macadamia milk

  • The kernel of the macadamia nut has an oil content of up to 78%, and the oil contains over 87% unsaturated fatty acids, many of which are not synthesized by the human body. In addition, macadamia nuts contain many minerals and vitamins, which are very beneficial for pregnant women and children, helping to provide an abundant source of energy with a calorie content twice as high as other nuts, reducing cholesterol, preventing disease of arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure. Pregnants who eat this nut will help their diet be richer and contribute to the accumulation of energy and brain development of the fetus. Macadamia nuts contain many minerals, helping to develop bones and joints in children.
  • Carrots are rich in nutrients, protid, lipid, glucide and fiber, many trace elements and vitamins, in which the carotene content is the highest (in 100g of carrots, there are 3.62mg of carotene). Carrots have the ability to regulate the body’s physiological functions, strengthen the body, increase immunity, antibacterial, detoxify, lower blood sugar, actively prevent diseases caused by vitamin A deficiency, high blood pressure. , atherosclerosis, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

In addition to combining macadamia nuts with carrots, you can also combine this nutritious nut with pumpkin, lotus seeds, purple sweet potatoes, … to help diversify nutritional nut milks for mothers and babies.