Making macadamia milk at home easily

macadamia milk wodagri

As the “queen of dried fruits”, macadamia nuts are delicious with their characteristic fatty taste and are a rich source of nutrients. The health benefits of macadamia are diverse and wonderful.

In addition to eating macadamia nuts directly after peeling, you can also process macadamia into many other delicious and nutritious foods such as making macadamia milk, macadamia ice cream, macca cookies, … In this article, Wodagri will share with you how to make delicious macadamia milk at home very simple and don’t require too much time.

macadamia milk wodagri

Ingredients to be prepared

1 liter of filtered water

4 teaspoons sugar

130g shelled macadamia nuts

500ml fresh milk without sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla essence

How to make macadamia milk at home

Step 1: You put all macadamia nuts in a large bowl, then pour water to cover the nuts. Because macadamia easily absorb water, you only need to soak them for about 2 hours.

Step 2: After that, you pour the soaked water away and wash it a few more times and then take it out to dry.

Step 3: You put the macadamia nuts in a blender, add filtered water and start grinding until the mixture is smooth.

Step 4: Before pouring out the mixture, remember to add vanilla flavor and sugar to the blender for the last time to create aroma and sweetness for milk.

Step 5: Here, you continue to use a sieve or cloth bucket to filter out the scum in the milk, then bring the milk to boil with fresh milk until just boiling, then you can turn off the stove.

Note not to boil for too long to avoid losing the nutritional composition of macadamia nuts.

Finish and you already get a delicious and nutritious macadamia milk, this yummy milk is suitable for all ages to enjoy